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Writer's pictureForget Me Not Notes

Taking Breaks in Grief

Maybe you've caught yourself saying something like this:

"I'll rest after I finish this project," or, "I'll take a nap later, I just need to do this first."

Often, we push ourselves more than necessary. We just want to do one more thing. Maybe we think we'll feel farther ahead if we get one more thing done before we rest. Perhaps we think we will rest better if we have less left on our to do list. Maybe it's not physical tasks for you, but emotional. Maybe you push yourself to attend events when you're not feeling up to it, or feel you have to be present for longer than you feel able.

The reality is, the work will still be there even after we rest. Taking breaks in grief can allow us to recharge, whether you need a break physically, mentally, or emotionally. This can allow us to do some of what we need or want to do, take a break to regroup, and dive back in when we feel ready.

coffee, flowers, and a book on a white blanket.

Whatever timeline is right for you, is the right timeline. Allowing social media, societal expectations, or pressure from people near you can put stress on the grieving process that isn't helpful or necessary. Especially in the holiday season, taking breaks can extend the opportunities for having good days with loved ones.

Finding a quiet room to take a few minutes by yourself, going for a walk, sitting in nature, taking a nap, or taking a few moments to journal can all be small outlets during an overstimulating, emotional few weeks.

Surrounding yourself with love and taking breaks in grief are two big steps on the journey to a manageable holiday season. Wherever you are in your journey, it is valid, you are loved, and your grief is not forgotten.

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