Maybe you've heard that you're patient, gentle, compassionate, and kind to everyone around you. Chances are, in this holiday season, you could be more gentle with yourself. But what does that really look like?
Imagine switching places with a friend. Imagine, just for a moment, that they are the one trying their best to stay afloat in the deep, dark depths of grief. Picture them struggling to feel joy and peace during the holiday season. Think how they would be coping with all the new uncertainty in their life.
What would you say to them?
How would you help them through it?
Maybe you would listen to their worries. Maybe you would offer them support by cooking them a meal. Maybe you'd offer a hug while they cry. Maybe you'd sit and ensure they rest.
Whatever positive support you'd offer for that friend is exactly how you should show up for yourself.
Accept the help from friends. Be gentle with yourself when you cry. Make time for yourself to rest. Notice your own feelings, and honor them. Treating yourself in the way that you need to feel safe and comfortable can boost you further in your healing journey. Practicing self compassion and honoring your grief and feelings can offer you a new sense of hope, wellness and light
in your darkest times.