Often, the holidays are filled with down time, where we are left to chat and reconnect with loved ones we haven't seen for a while. For some, this can be a great way to share memories of the loved one they have lost. For others, this can bring uncomfortable questions or prying conversations.
Having an option for a memorial ornament or tree can allow a positive distraction. This could mean different things for different families. Perhaps your family wants to print pictures of your loved one and take time creating handmade ornaments to put around the tree. Maybe for other families, it would be more important to have a customized ornament made and distributed to each have a special ornament in their home. Maybe it feels right for you or your family to make a memorial table filled with pictures, short stories, favorite things, and holiday decor to incorporate your missing loved one into the holiday season.
Regardless of which option(s) you or your family chooses, having an activity like memorial ornaments or trees or tables can allow for a plethora of good to come from it. Happy memories to reminisce on, time to share stories of your loved one, and a positive distraction is just the start of the list of good that can come with this. You might even find through this experience that you feel closer to the loved one you lost by incorporating them into your celebration.
No matter which route you choose, your loved one will be remembered, and your grief will not be forgotten ♥