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Grief Aches

Writer's picture: Forget Me Not NotesForget Me Not Notes

Your arms ache as they long to be wrapped around your person in one more hug.

Your legs ache as they long for one last dance to your song, or walk in the park.

Your hand aches to be held, even for just one more minute.

Your heart aches for the love that pours out for that person.

Your mind aches for the memories it holds, and the ones it will never make with that loved one.

And yet, as much as you try, the grief aches don't end.

The waves of realization and constant reminder that there is so much missing floods through each part of your body. The Sunday football games and parties left unplanned and unattended, the first day of school pictures no longer cut apart and handed out, the simple "how was your day?" questions unasked at the end of the night.

For me, often it is the simplest moments that highlight my loss. A new song is released and I'm left to wonder, "Would this be his new favorite song?" or, "I wish he could try this recipe, I bet he would have loved this dish."

The aches wash over me, with a heavy, dark cloud sitting in my heart, and a deafening silence ringing through my ears. Moments of a tight chest, sweaty palms and stiff knuckles, and quick breaths pass the time for a few minutes as I regain my balance in my reality.

Eventually, I am comforted by turning on his favorite song, letting the words echo through me, as I guide myself to replay the happy memories and funny inside jokes we shared.

For you, maybe it's a heaviness on your shoulders, trembling hands, or stiff joints. Maybe it's intrusive thoughts bouncing through your mind as you think of the moments that will never be shared.

Eventually, you may be comforted and find solace in having their favorite snack in their honor, putting on their favorite tv show to drown out the silence, or grabbing a copy of their favorite book.

As those aches and moments of tightness reverberate through you, may you find comfort in connection, as you are not alone in these darkness. There is, if even the smallest flash of light, hope and light at the end of the tunnel, as you journey through grief and learn how to cope in a way that is right for you.

peach, purple, and blue yoga mats rolled up

Turning to different solutions for reprieve, whether it's a massage, yoga, deep breathing, a warm bath, a light jog, or something else, there is a source of comfort suited for you.

In these painful moments of

ache and loss, hold tight to the love you hold for that loved one. Hold space for yourself as you long for what you once had, as this transition is not easy or concise. Breathe through these moments, give yourself grace, and as always, remember your grief and your loved one are not forgotten.

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